Designated Survivor
The White House Historical Association provided artwork for the set and helped with research inquiries for the suspenseful political thriller Designated Survivor.
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This photograph is from the set of Designated Survivor.
Credit: Courtesy of Hilbert Hakim/Associate Producer - Designated Survivor
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A high-resolution file of the painting, Signing of the Peace Protocol Between Spain and the United States, August 12, 1898, by Théobald Chartran (1899) was provided to the production company for the show’s set decoration.
Credit: White House Collection/White House Historical Association
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This photograph is from the set of Designated Survivor.
Credit: Courtesy of Hilbert Hakim/Associate Producer - Designated Survivor
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A high-resolution file of the portrait of Theodore Roosevelt by John Singer Sargent (1903) was provided to the production company for the show’s set decoration.
Credit: White House Collection/White House Historical Association
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This photograph is from the set of Designated Survivor.
Credit: Courtesy of Hilbert Hakim/Associate Producer - Designated Survivor
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A high-resolution file of the painting, View of the City of Washington from the Virginia Shore by William MacLeod (1856) was provided to the production company for the show’s set decoration.
Credit: White House Collection/White House Historical Association
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This photograph is from the set of Designated Survivor.
Credit: Courtesy of Hilbert Hakim/Associate Producer - Designated Survivor
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A high-resolution file of the painting Independence Hall in Philadelphia by Joachim Ferdinand Richardt was provided to the production company for the show’s set decoration.
Credit: White House Collection/White House Historical Association
More Information
View a gallery of set photography and artwork to see how paintings in the White House Collection were used to create an accurate artistic and architectural portrayal of President Kirkman's White House.
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