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The White House Historical Association is a nonprofit educational association founded in 1961 for the purpose of enhancing the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the Executive Mansion. It was created at the recommendation of the National Park Service and with the support of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. All proceeds from the sale of the Associations books and products are used to fund the acquisition of historic furnishings and artwork for the permanent White House collection, assist in the preservation of public rooms, and further its educational mission. The Association also sponsors lectures, exhibits, and other outreach programs. Thousands of schools, universities, and libraries have received free educational materials about the White House.

Since 1981, the Association has commissioned the annual White House Christmas Ornament honoring a historic president. The Official 2023 White House Christmas Ornament features President Gerald R. Ford's life and legacy and is inspired by the handcrafted decorations from the Fords' White House Christmas. The Association publishes numerous books and journals every year. These publications and many other educational, mission-driven products can be purchased in our online store or at our retail locations, such as the retail shop in the White House Visitor Center.

To learn more about the Association, please visit,, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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