First Ladies' Private Lives
In the early decades of the republic a president's wife, like other wives, seldom displayed her private life to the...
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In the early decades of the republic a president's wife, like other wives, seldom displayed her private life to the...
Kenneth T. Walsh is a writer and analyst for U.S. News & World Report specializing in the White House...
Read Digital EditionForeword, William SealeThe Private Villa Retreat of Thomas Jefferson, Travis McDonaldThe Soldiers' Home: First Presidential Retreat, William SealeThe...
Many modern presidents have had a casual interest in horseback riding, particularly as a vacation sport. However, no modern president...
No sport created more excitement, enthusiasm and interest in the colonial period and the early republic than horse racing. Presidents...
"Thank you for the most wonderful historical information regarding the White House. I just love reading each issue from cover...
After the Civil War, the nation's capital became a magnet for foreign diplomats and people who had made fortunes in...
“Secret president,” “first woman to the woman to run the government”—some historians have labeled a first lady whose role gained unu...
Gerald Ford was an avid swimmer, swimming twice a day in his backyard pool in Alexandria, Virginia. When President Ford...
The nineteenth century might be called the golden age of the horse. Horsepower pulled plow, canal boat, and wagon to...