Podcast Conversations from History Happy Hour
In this first episode of 2021, White House Historical Association President Stewart D. McLaurin introduces the Association’s popular virtual program Hi...
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In this first episode of 2021, White House Historical Association President Stewart D. McLaurin introduces the Association’s popular virtual program Hi...
Portrait artists have captured the image and personality of our presidents throughout history, providing a record of their time in...
Who takes care of the thousands of historic artifacts in the White House, cataloguing and preserving everything from presidential portraits...
President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s advocacy for the arts endures as a vital part of th...
Fearless leaders have walked the halls of White House for centuries. In this episode, White House Historical Association President Stewart...
Kathryn Cramer Brownell
The White House Historical Association (WHHA) offers many different resources for students working on National History Day projects.
“Anthony Michael Matise.” Times Herald-Record online. June 2, 2011. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RX3sxoIxZ4cJ:https://www.recordonline.com/...
The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to...
Foreword: “A Beautiful Spot, Capable of Every Improvement” by Marcia Mallet AndersonFifty Years Devoted to the White House Garden and Grou...
Foreword: "A Changing Portrait of America" by Marcia Mallet AndersonThe Official White House Portraits of President and Mrs. Barack Obama:...
2023 2023 Communicator Awards White House History Quarterly 65: Every President Has Walked These Grounds, Award of Excellence, Design Features, Copywriting for Corporate...