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The Hugh S. Sidey Scholarship in Print Journalism at the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication was established in 2006 at Mr. Sidey's alma mater, Iowa State University, by the White House Historical Association and Mr. David M. Rubenstein. To keep alive Hugh Sidey's legacy of reporting on the presidency, the scholarship will support aspiring print journalists at the Greenlee School. Undergraduate students who exhibit extraordinary understanding of the responsibilities of covering the chief executive and the core principle of social responsibility that resides with the print journalist will be identified for this award. The scholarship is in the amount of $5,000. Recipients also visit the nation's capital.

"The presidency remains the most sought after, analyzed and scrutinized political office man has devised."

— Hugh S. Sidey​

Hugh S. Sidey (1927-2005) wrote about the American presidency and the White House for nearly 50 years. He first covered the White House during Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration in 1957. He later became political and White House correspondent and bureau chief for TIME. He was chairman of the White House Historical Association from 2000-2003.

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